
Elton Ecology were commissioned to provide ecology services for a full application relating to the demolition of an existing property and the erection of a replacement dwelling house with associated ancillary buildings and landscaping. The site was within the Derbyshire Dales District Council Local Planning Authority area.

The Issues

The site was located in an ecologically sensitive area, with a Local Wildlife Site adjoining the west and north site boundary, and a rock face at the north site boundary containing a system of caves with bat roosting suitability. Woodland was present in the northwest of the site.

The Local Wildlife Site was designated for its unimproved calcareous grassland and lead spoil indicator species, which was also present in the west and north of the development site.

The Derbyshire Dales District Council ecology consultee for the site also advised that bat surveys were required of the building prior to determining the planning application, with reference to Paragraph 99 of ODPM Circular 06/2005 (Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Statutory Obligations and Their Impact Within the Planning System).

Our Solution

Elton Ecology Ltd were commissioned to carry out a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and further surveys at the site, which included:

  • A Desk Study of online resources for sites of nature conservation, and a data consultation with the Derbyshire Biological Records Centre (NBGR) for historical ecological records at the site and surrounding area.
  • A Phase 1 Habitat Survey was undertaken compiling a botanical species list to classify the habitats at the site, which was extended to consider protected species such as badger, reptiles and great crested newt.
  • A Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment of the building and rock face.
  • Nocturnal Bat Surveys of the building.

No evidence of protected species was observed during the Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey. The site offered suitability for protected species including reptiles.

With reference to best practice survey guidelines (Collins, 2016), Elton Ecology carried out a Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment survey followed by two nocturnal emergence/ re-entry surveys aided by thermal imaging and full HD infrared cameras. No roosting bats were observed during the surveys. The Ecological Appraisal report for the site contained the results of the bat surveys detailing the likely absence of roosting bats at the site with reference to best practice survey guidelines.

To avoid impacts to the calcareous grassland, woodland and rock face habitats at the site, and associated further surveys and mitigation, our Ecological Appraisal report set out the protection and low intervention management of these habitats during the construction and operational phases of the development. This was achieved by their inclusion in a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) with reference to the British Standard BS 42020:2013 Biodiversity — Code of practice for planning and development and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan. Reasonable avoidance measures during works to avoid impacts on protected species such as reptiles were also detailed in the report.

Our ecology work was accepted by the Local Planning Authority and the development was subsequently permitted with conditions.